Monday, October 22, 2012

Charity & Halloween

This weekend I participated in the annual Walk to Defeat ALS in Orange County to support my dad.  I helped create a team of 32 people and we raised over $6k!  It was such an inspirational day and it was so wonderful to see some old friends all come together!

 Team Strike Out ALS

Me and my wonderful dad

 Brody getting ready for the walk in his baseball uniform!
 My boyfriend and my handmade sign!

This weekend was also the start of halloween parties!  My boyfriend and I threw these together last minute but we were quite pleased and the outfits were a hit! :]

 Waldo & Wenda

What do I love most about holidays...baked goods!  Themed cake pops :]


  1. I just stumbled upon your blog, and I really like it! Although I do not personally know anyone with ALS, I am so proud of you and others who spent the day at the event. ... That might sound weird, but it just makes my day to see acts of love and kindness.

    Best wishes,
    Kate @ A Journey in Style

    1. Hi Kate, thank you so much! That means a lot. I've been participating in several charity walks for the past few years but this was the first time I went out and raised money and awareness and recruited people to join me. I must say, it was a lot of fun and very worthwhile. I met so many people along the way and got to share stories which really gave me a unique connection with people I normally just walk by. If you are interested or passionate about any type of charity, I really recommend getting the word out there and working hard to raise money! :]

